10 Powerful Marketing Tips9053396

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(Created page with '1. Print your best small ad on a postcard and mail it to prospects in your [http://za5pln.pl/showarticle.php?article=23818 targeted market] . People read postcards when the mess…')
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10. Mail Outs. Enclose your brochure, ad, flyer etc. in all your outgoing mail. It doesn't cost any additional postage and you'll be surprised at who could use what you're offering.
10. Mail Outs. Enclose your brochure, ad, flyer etc. in all your outgoing mail. It doesn't cost any additional postage and you'll be surprised at who could use what you're offering.
== NASA Announces Undersea Exploration Mission ==
An international team of aquanauts will travel again to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean to simulate a visit to an asteroid in the 16th expedition of NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations (NEEMO).
[[http://goodvillenews.com/NASA-Announces-Undersea-Exploration-Mission-9Shwm3.html NASA Announces Undersea Exploration Mission]]
[[http://goodvillenews.com/wk.html GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== Use Your Talents Give More Receive More ==
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, I used everything you gave me.Erma Bombeck
[[http://goodvillenews.com/Use-Your-Talents-Give-More-Receive-More-n807aT.html Use Your Talents Give More Receive More]]
[[http://goodvillenews.com/wk.html GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== Man Builds Fairy Tale Home for $4700 ==
Simon Dale is a family man in Wales, the western part of Great Britain. His interest in self-sustainability and an ecological awareness led him to dig out and build his own homeone of the loveliest, warmest, most inviting dwellings you could ever imagine. And it cost him only 3,000, about $4,700 American dollars!
[[http://goodvillenews.com/Man-Builds-Fairy-Tale-Home-for-4700-CHIO9L.html Man Builds Fairy Tale Home for $4700]]
[[http://goodvillenews.com/wk.html GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== 7 Reasons Why Not Making Mistakes Is The Biggest Mistake ==
The FEAR of being nothing, achieving nothing and becoming nothing should be way bigger than the fear of making mistakes.A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. ~ George Bernard Shaw
[[http://goodvillenews.com/7-Reasons-Why-Not-Making-Mistakes-Is-The-Biggest-Mistake-9Wbscy.html 7 Reasons Why Not Making Mistakes Is The Biggest Mistake]]
[[http://goodvillenews.com/wk.html GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== Seeking Silence & Stillness in the Rush of Business Life ==
Pico Iyer -- essayist, author, travel writer and thinker -- has a unique perspective on many things. His physical domain ranges from California (where he lived as a child) and England (where he studied) to Cuba, North Korea and Ethiopia (which he visited) and Japan (where he resides). His mental domain knows no limiting boundaries. In this interview with Wharton associate dean and chief information officer Deirdre Woods and Knowledge@Wharton
[[http://goodvillenews.com/Seeking-Silence-Stillness-in-the-Rush-of-Business-Life-LCK85X.html Seeking Silence & Stillness in the Rush of Business Life]]
[[http://goodvillenews.com/wk.html GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]

Current revision as of 05:51, 27 July 2012

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